Children’s Toys and Parenting for 2023

Children's toys and parenting trends are changing, and we've got the inside scoop on what to expect in 2023.
A shifting focus toward loose parts
Loose parts are objects that can be used in a variety of ways but are not specific to any particular activity or task, such as our Knock-a-Block Collection. In other words, they're not meant to be used as tools for one specific purpose--they're more like building blocks for children's imaginations.
Loose parts allow for more creativity and make learning fun because they allow kids to build whatever comes into their minds at the moment. This will help them develop problem-solving skills and an understanding of how things work in real life (imagine trying to put together an Ikea desk without loose parts!). It also helps them learn about cause-and-effect relationships: if I do this action/movement then it will result in this outcome; if I add this piece here then it changes everything else around me etc., which is something we adults often take for granted but children can really benefit from learning early on!
An increased value put on storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool for building early literacy skills, helping children develop empathy and compassion, and fostering creativity. It can also be used as a tool to help parents teach their kids about the world around them.
In addition to all those benefits, storytelling has recently been shown to have significant benefits for children's emotional health as well; it allows them an opportunity to express themselves through play-acting or role-playing scenarios that may not be possible in real life due to safety concerns (e.g., pretending they're superheroes) or social. In this way, storytelling can help kids learn more about themselves by exploring feelings of anger or frustration without actually having those feelings expressed toward others directly.
A return to wood and natural materials
The natural world is a source of endless inspiration for parents. The resurgence of wood and natural materials in the home is driven by a desire to reconnect with nature, as well as the need to create a safe and healthy environment for our children. The durability of wood makes it ideal for use in homes where there are young children who might be prone to accidents or injury -- plus it looks great too! The versatility of this material means you can create something bespoke that fits perfectly into your lifestyle while still being practical enough that everyone gets along just fine. And because it's so easy on their little fingers too...
Wooden toys are a great way to get your kids away from screens, and the natural materials used in the creation of products like our DIY assembly kits allow them to engage with nature in a safe and sustainable way. They'll enjoy playing with their new toys for hours on end, and you'll feel good knowing that no harmful chemicals were used in their manufacture.
Building and construction play will help kids prepare for a future in tech
- Building and construction play helps kids develop hand-eye coordination.
- Construction play helps children develop problem-solving skills.
- Construction play also provides opportunities for spatial awareness, which is the ability to understand where objects are in relation to one another.
- Fine motor skills are important for building, too--the smaller the object you're using, the more precision you need! This makes construction toys an excellent way of developing fine motor control in children who may be struggling with it.
It's also worth noting that there are many benefits beyond these four areas: creative thinking skills; imagination development; socialization through sharing materials or playing together; patience required when working on projects...the list goes on!
An emphasis on collaborative play
Play is a social activity. Play teaches children how to interact with their peers, how to share and take turns, and how to negotiate with each other. In order to develop these skills and build a foundation for effective communication later in life, parents must provide the right environment for children's playtime activities--an environment that encourages collaboration over competition.
Children learn best by doing rather than being told what to do or watching someone else do it; this means that if you want your child (or another child) to understand something, you should try explaining it through hands-on experiences rather than simply talking about it from afar.
These are just a few trends to watch for in 2023. It's clear that parenting is changing and there are many ways we can prepare ourselves and our children for these new experiences.